The Sparkling Hippie

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The Seeds of Desire: Why wanting MORE is the most powerful energy you possess.

I’ve been reading and ruminating about the deliciousness of wanting more. Societal programming may have told us this was immoral or selfish, but I am believing a new story these days. 

You can also call this the “seed of desire”. Desire is creation energy, or life force energy, what yogis call “prana” in action. We all have it and we all have the ability to dream, though just like every muscle in the body, it’s a skillset we can build intentionally if we choose. 

For me personally, I have found it is my desires that keep me young. They keep me agile to change and open to the spirit's callings. It’s the reason I moved home. It’s the reason I found a building that now houses my home and business in my beautiful hometown. It’s the reason I’m with a wonderful man who loves me unconditionally. 

You too can live in this delicious state of flow and receptiveness as you magnetize your desires to you. A few mindset shifts will help get you started. Ready to learn the power of magnetizing your desires?

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you open up to receiving the desires of your destiny:

As we grow naturally, like a flower in the spring, new seasons come to us. New needs arise. We don’t judge the flower for wanting more water, so why do we judge ourselves for wanting to expand?

I believe that the purpose of life is joy and the meaning of life is expansion. Your soul came here to expand and evolve. If you open up and get out of your own way, you’ll find it’s a rather delicious journey. 

We receive our desires from God 

In this blog post about goal setting and dreaming, I share a quote from the TV series, Heartland that really helps paint the picture of how we are more primed to receive goals than we are to create them out of thin air.

Whitetail: Bet this river doesn’t have a plan either. Bet it doesn’t sit around wondering where it came from or where it’s going. It just kind of goes with the flow. Maybe a good thing for us two-leggeds to learn from the river, eh?

—Season 2, Episode 17 of Heartland

It’s less about deciding what you want and going after it and more about listening to the still small voice within and letting it guide you toward your destiny. 

Desire is a natural, healthy state of being

When a baby is growing, he or she wants more. More food, more understanding of the world around them, more of their favorite stuffed animals.

As the baby grows into a toddler the toddler demands more. More attention, more toys, more wild outfits, more understanding and knowledge.

The energy of wanting more is what fuels creativity and expansion. In effect, it’s why we are here on the planet. To expand. To become our full selves. To broaden our horizons again and again and again. This is growth. 

The opposite of growth is decay. To wither. To shrink. To become small… 

So why did we collectively decide that wanting more is a bad thing?

Why are we silently ashamed of telling our boss and coworkers that we want more? More money, more responsibility, more trust that we can do our job well. 

Why are we afraid to tell our partners that we want more? More intimacy. More deep emotional connection. More quality time. 

Last month I broke up with a great guy and the only reason I had is that I wanted more. It was so hard for me to admit that to myself, then to him and to my friends and family. Why? 

Why do we feel GUILTY for wanting MORE –when that’s what we are made for?

Wanting is the same energy that fuels creativity. Wanting more is how our species created electricity for light at night, the assembly model, and electric cars. We want more! Now we are conquering living in space and letting computers do the jobs that bore us. How beautiful is this creative, inventive energy?

More is a very powerful place to be. 

What do you want more of?

More money?

More clients?

More truth?

More time in nature?

More space to go deep and connect to yourself?

More love?

More connection?

More freedom?

Take a few minutes to journal about what you want more of and see what comes up.  

What comes up is what you desire. This is a very powerful energy. 

👉Want more freedom, money and clarity in your business? Let me paint it for you.

Haley’s 5 Steps to Manifesting with Feminine Energy

  • Step 1 (Receive the Vision): Get quiet in order to receive the vision.

  • Step 2 (Keep listening): Continue to let your intuition speak.

  • Step 3 (Commit): Visualize + Repeat, speak it outloud.

  • Step 4 (Have Faith with Gratitude): Stay open and keep the faith strong.

  • Step 5 (Receive): Your desire will come in an unexpected way. Don’t miss it for being stubborn.

Here’s a breakdown of each step in more detail:

Step 1 (Receive the Vision):

You see, I believe our desires are given to us from Source/God/Universe. Ideas are dropped down into our consciousness from somewhere right? If you are connected to God-Source energy then it’s very easy to see where the seeds of desire are dropped in from. But that’s just it, you get the seed, but then you have freewill to decide what to do with it. Seeds can lay dormant for many, many years. They can lay dormant for several lifetimes even.

Or, they can be nurtured. With sunlight, water, good soil and tender-lovin’-care, a tiny little seed can sprout into a whole vegetable, or a beautiful flower, or a massive tree. It starts with acknowledgement and nurturing guidance. 

What is it that you are desiring right now?

Are you nurturing this seed of desire or is it just rolling around in the back of your heart space, feeling neglected?

You matter.

Your desires matter.

Your desires are a gift from God, designed to expand your world and create joy and fulfillment for you and for others. 

It’s okay to want more, because you were created for more.

More is sexy.

More is magnetic.

More is what motivates us to evolve and become. 

You are worth the more that you seek. 

Here are 6 simple steps to begin work with the power of your desires:

  1. Journal from a relaxed state and ask yourself what you desire more of. 

  2. Reflect on what came up in your journaling. Were you surprised?

  3. Admit to yourself that it’s okay to want what you want. Claim this desire and begin to work with it. 

  4. Visualize yourself going after it, and having it. 

  5. Write about it again and again.

  6. When you’re ready - begin to share this dream and desire with others. Speak it outloud. There is power in our words. 

The above steps outlight the basics of neuroplasticity, which is to rewire the paths of the brain so that you can think a new thought and attract a new "normal” for yourself. Layer in the deep work of releasing your pain, shame and fears so that your self worth increases, and you have a beautiful science-based recipe for manifesting anything you want in this life.

✨What more clarity on your purpose and next steps toward expansion?

Dream Big and Sparkling Success turned 2 years old last month. Celebrate your desire for more and get clear on what that looks like, both in your personal life (Dream Big) and in your business (Sparkling Success). Or you can purchase both…

Now you can purchase both journals as a digital bundle for only $33 (actually 10% off is $33.30, but $33 sounds nicer, right? This bundle is regularly $37.  Use the code desirebundle33 to activate your 10% off. 

Give yourself the gift of honoring your deepest desires. 👇

Step 2: Keep Listening

Continue to let your intuition speak. This is where trust starts to factor in. Don’t force anything just because you felt one nudge. Continue to practice solitude and listening daily. As you do, spirit will feed the vision inside you if it's meant to be, making your clarity and connection to it stronger and stronger simply by receiving. 

The Brazenly Beautiful journal is perfect for honing this skill. Inside I share daily practices and thoughtful considerations to get comfortable sitting in silence, spending time alone and fine-tuning your ear for your specific flavor of intuitive guidance from that still small voice within. Shop the Brazenly Beautiful Journal here.

The more vivid and clear your dreams are, the more obvious your faith becomes.

Vividity comes from listening, focusing on what you are looking at and being open to receiving that download again and again and again. THIS is why my students all learn the discipline of journaling, meditating and walking. 

You must learn to act and think like your dream is already here, because it is. It’s not really your dream to begin with. You are just the conduit. Here’s how I see it:

Desire for More (Expansion)

Ask for more.


Your Purpose (God Designed)

Get quiet and receive it.


Your Dreams/Desire (Joy)

Listen to your intuition.


Commit to it. (Decide)

Focus and act as if it already is yours, because it is. 


Have Faith with Gratitude (Thankfulness)

Trust divine timing and divine will. Do what you can and leave the rest.


Receive. (Stay open)

Step 3: Commiting to Your Desire

After you’ve become crystal clear on what it is that you desire, and you’ve consistently completed the above six steps, you’ll then move into the next layer.  At which point you’ll feel ready to move into the energy of commitment.  To commit comes from the latin words “send” and “with” so it literally means to send something forward with intent. 

I also like to use the word decide. Which literally means “to cut-off”. When you decide to bet on yourself and your desires, you are essentially cutting off everything else that doesn't align with that. To decide and to commit are very powerful next steps after desire.

Sometimes my clients come to me saying they are frustrated with their lack of focus, commitment or productivity. While they are berating themselves I often discover that if you work the steps backward, they haven't truly committed to the thing they are working on, which often is because they aren't actually clear on their TRUE desire yet.

This is why it is essential to slow down, get quiet and actively receive the desires of your heart. So you can have clarity and focus as you move forward. You’ll also move forward with the assurance that you’re going after what you truly want. Suddenly, your work feels like water rushing downstream instead of paddling upstream. That’s because you are going with the flow of life. The qi (energy) or prana (life force energy) is showing you the way and you are leaning into it and trusting it. Naturally and joyfully you become who you are and everything around you falls into place.

This is the true magic you seek, and it’s available to you at any time.

Start by finding the clarity in what you truly, deeply, most actually desire.

Commit in a practical manner:

This is where small, simple steps can help ground your vision. Continue to visualize deeply everyday. Feel all 5 senses as you let your imagination run wild with this desire. Repeat, this practice at least once a day. When you feel comfortable, begin to speak it out loud to others. For example, I would tell people “the perfect place at the perfect price is out there. It will find me!

You can also use the power of EFT to rewire your system for calm-findence. My friend Sherry Lukey has some amazing tutorials on YouTube.

Why Wellness Matters

Heaven and earth meet in your heart. Your heart is in the middle of your body, below the mind, above the digestive organs, intertwined with the nervous system. Are you taking care of your body and priming it to receive and believe? What you ingest - through all of your senses - your eyes, your ears, your mouth, your skin - affects you and your organs. What you feed your mind with, affects your ability to hold the faith with gratitude or not. Who you surround yourself with affects your ability to believe and receive. Your environment. Your monkey mind. THIS is why all of these things matter.

THIS is why we have to take a full mind-body-soul approach to healing and manifesting if we want to be our best selves at our highest operating ability. 

Step 4: Have Faith with Gratitude (Thankfulness)

Gratitude is like a superpower that rewires your brain for joy. It's like giving your mind a happiness upgrade, strengthening the pathways for positive vibes and weakening the ones that bring you down. When you feel grateful, the medial prefrontal cortex throws a party, unleashing a flood of dopamine and serotonin, your brain's happy dance party! These natural mood boosters can kick those pesky feelings of depression and anxiety to the curb.

But here's the thing about gratitude: it's not just about feeling good. It's also a powerful tool for manifestation. When you approach life with a thankful heart, you create a vibration of abundance that attracts even more good things into your life. So, sprinkle that gratitude fairy dust everywhere you go, and watch the magic unfold!

Think of gratitude as a "forward thanking" practice. It's about being thankful for what you have now, as well as what you desire to manifest in the future. It's about dropping down into desire and allowing yourself to daydream and step into the delicious feeling of wanting more. So, in this juicy, dreamy space of infinite possibility, ask yourself: what do you truly, deeply want? What would light up your world?

Remember, gratitude is more than just a warm and fuzzy feeling; it's a powerful tool that can transform your brain, boost your mood, and maybe even unlock the secrets of the universe! 

Trust divine timing and divine will. Do what you can and leave the rest.

Gratitude allows you to believe in magic.

Gratitude reminds you to believe in miracles.

Gratitude reminds you of the infinite power of Source.

Gratitude reminds you that you are lucky and abundant and blessed afterall!! 

Gratitude IS MAGIC.

>>Read my blog post about how I received a building through the practice of gratitude.

Step 5: Receive. 

Stay open. So often we cut ourselves off from miracles that happen everyday simply because we give up, get cynical (or worse, “realistic”) and throw in the towel too soon. Oftentimes our manifestations come through unexpected channels. We too easily become attached to a certain channel and when it doesn't look how we want it to look, or come through that portal, we get frustrated and settle or quit. Do your best to stay open. 

I like to practice every morning a small exercise I learned from author Louise Hay. I take a few deep breaths and center myself before opening my palms and outstretching my arms and stating, “I’m open to receiving all good things today.” I then add a statement I learned from author SARK and say “I am open to miracles. Miracles find me now!”

I find that this practice relaxes my nervous system and attunes my psyche to receiving and seeing miracles all day long. Try it and see for yourself. 😉

A few things to remember as you go forward:

Stay Open and Receptive

Things don’t always happen how you think they should or when you think they should. The practice is staying thankful and open instead of putting your own timeline on things. 

While remodeling my apartment inside The Boho Building I was able to put my magnetizing skills to the test. While ballin’ on a budget, I called in as much free, low-cost and upcycled materials as possible.  

In one story I share about receiving two bathtubs, both being great, but one being my dream tub!  

In another part of the adventure, I had been wanting to find the perfect vintage dresser or buffet to use as my vanity in the bathroom. My friend gave me a beautiful piece that I really wanted to use, but it was in too bad of shape. For weeks I frantically searched Facebook marketplace looking for the ideal piece of furniture. I had my friends and followers looking as well, and while there were lots of links sent my way, I still hadn’t found the perfect one.

On a Friday I was in Lawton, our closest big city, and I looked at several hardware stores and antique shops around town, but found nothing. On the drive home I was feeling defeated and frustrated, when I caught myself. I stopped and told myself to stay positive and not settle for something I don’t really, really love. I reminded myself that the perfect vanity had already been chosen for me and I only had to sit still and receive it.

I went home that evening and enjoyed a fantastic homemade chicken fried steak with my mother, my brother and his friend. We laughed and discussed and had a wonderful time, not to mention a great Pinot Noir I had picked out. 

The next day my brother and his friend and I were on our way to the Wichita Mountains to go hiking when I got a text from my contractor. I barely looked at the picture before immediately responding (gut response from this generator!) “that’s the one! Yes!”.  Within seconds my friend Jacob sent me the same photo with a text that read “i think this is your vanity.” And a few minutes after that, my mother sent me the exact same photo.

If that isn’t a sign that this vanity was made for me, then I don’t know what is! 

THAT is the power of magnetizing with faith and gratitude. 

See this content in the original post

Abundance is Your Natural State

Love is the most real thing there is. Love is magic. Love is God. God is love. You are love. You are loved. Love is within you and around you. If you believe that then you know that magic is real and God is real and you are connected to all of this intimately. 

When you look out in nature you see abundance. When humans leave nature alone it grows over. There’s weeds and trees and plants and animals galore! Abundance is the natural state. Abundance is your natural state.  Lack and scarcity is a lie. They aren’t real. Therefore, you need to rewire your brain and body to believe that you are an abundant creature in an abundant universe.

What you want, wants you back.

What you desire, you were made to receive. 

You were born to live in step with the divine power of God pulsing through your veins. Let go and surrender to the powerful journey within. 

You’ve got this! 

God has a purpose and a place for you. Surrender and let go so you can float effortlessly to it. 

Recommended Reading:

Thank and Grow Rich, by Pam Grout

Other Blog Posts You May Enjoy: 

Forward Thanking: Your 2025 Manifesting Secret

Gratitude’s Glimmer: Finding Joy in Unexpected Places

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