The Sparkling Hippie

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✨ Forward Thanking: Your 2025 Manifesting Secret 

"Research shows that happiness and positive emotions - especially gratitude - lead to more creative thinking, better decision making, higher performance and self determination."

- Dan Sullivan, 10x is Easier than 2x 

How to Manifest with Ease in 2025

So there’s this book. I’ve been nibbling and chewing on the contents of it for about six months now. It’s one of THOSE books. It’s great. It’s expanding my mind. In this book, 10x is Easier than 2x, the authors talk about the concept of jumping 10x forward. In our world we may call it quantum leaping.

It’s January and of course we’re all thinking of our dreams and goals for the years. I truly feel like this is a good year to thrive, tbh. Collectively, we are in a 9 numerology year, which is the energy of completion. Finishing. Evolution. The completed transformation. 

I’ve also been reading Love Money, Money Loves You in which the author really emphasizes the importance of dreaming big. Letting yourself daydream and step into the delicious feeling of desire.

We’re raised to believe that wanting more is wrong.

So we politely fib and say we don’t need anything. We think we’re being sweet but really we are being inauthentic. This is fake gratitude, which is about as useless as last month’s used wrapping paper. 😵‍💫

In recent private workshops I’ve taught, I’ve really been expanding on the idea of what I call “Forward Thanking.”  It’s a one-two punch approach to manifesting that has been working really magically for me.

Step 1: Drop Into Desire

First, you have to drop down into desire. What do you really, truly, deeply want? What would light up your world? If thinking about a whole year feels daunting, try imagining where you want to be in 3-6 months. You don’t have to be realistic! Money's no object. What would be the MOST fun way for you to live out the next six months of the year?

Many times my clients tell me their biggest, juiciest dreams and the irony is that they really aren’t that far from their reality, they simply must shift their mindset into allowing themselves to receive what they truly desire. 

Caroline and Jason Zook from WAIM have a great exercise where you list out every single thing you want to have in your monthly budget - of course the regular things like bills and rent and expenses, but then adding in anything else that feels nourishing. 🌱

For me I always include things like monthly massages, mani-pedis, facials and other wellness treatments. 💅🏻I usually think about a new vehicle and lots of new clothes and I add these all up to be included in my monthly imaginary budget. I also like to dream about a couple of international trips a year, 🌎 and multiple trips to California to see loved ones. 

What really gets me, everytime I do this exercise, is that my biggest, wildest dreams - when added up mathematically, really aren’t that crazy expensive. In fact, these dreams are really usually pretty close within my reach.

So many times we keep ourselves away from what we most want, even though it’s right next to us.

Our mind blinds us with worry and fear and so we miss the opportunities being handed to us by the universe. 

The best things you can do for your dreams are:

  • ✨Admit you want what you want

  • ✨Keep an open mind on how you will receive this

  • ✨Stay grateful and optimistic - fear is the quickest way to cut off magic from happening. 

Step 2: Get Grateful!

The second thing you need to do is be grateful for anything and everything! Last month I taught a whole workshop on the power of gratitude in manifesting. 

Be thankful for the socks on your feet today. 🧦

Be thankful for your cell phone and how it connects you to everyone, everywhere. 📲

Can you be grateful for the food and beverages giving you sustenance today? 🥗

Who in your life can you feel appreciation for at this moment? 🧍‍♀️

Who else? 🧍‍♂️

Can you think of 10 people? 👫👯💃🤸🕺🧍

The more grateful and appreciative you are, the more magnetic you are to your desires. 

Gratitude is also scientifically proven to rewire your brain for greater levels of happiness and less levels of stress. 

Just being thankful can rewire your brain to be a desire magnet for your reality. 

So, in this juicy, dreamy, sleepy, soft and gentle space of the new year, I ask you - what do you really want? ✨

Bonus points if you type it into a reply in the comments below 😉 

Here are five ways I can help you lean into manifesting your dream life in 2025: 

​I'm here for you, love.  💖