Intuitive Business Academy:
Marketing, Mindset and Money for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Intuitive Business Academy

A 90-day coaching program for spiritual entrepreneurs who want to create success in business that feels good and is sustainable.


Let’s be completely honest.

Entrepreneurship is both a step-by-step journey down the yellow-brick-business road AND a soulful, creative, messy (but beautiful) trip into an abstract painting you have yet to understand. 😳

I believe your highest alignment of success comes from learning to dance between these two extremes.

  • Logic and Gut-Instinct

  • Right Brain and Left Brain

  • Brain and Body

  • Rationality and Abstractism

  • Expressionism and Realism

  • Science and Magic

  • Creatitivity and Grounded Rule-Following

It’s okay to embrace both sides of the WHOLE you, my love. 🔥🔥


For the Seriously Ambitious (but also soulful) Female Entrepreneur… An invitation to up-level your business through Intuition + Feminine Marketing Tactics…

are You ready…

business coach for yoga and Ayurveda

🔥to attract soul aligned clients with ease

🔥for more income flowing into your business

🔥to step into your aligned vision for your business

🔥to feel like you and your business are leaving a lasting impact every single day

🔥to feel calm and confident about how you are marketing your services

🔥to feel fulfilled from the day-to-day work in your business


using sales tactics that feel icky or sneaky

❌ having to lose your soulfulness and connection to self

❌ losing your work/life balance so you can “hustle” your way to the top

❌ posting on social media 7 days a week, 3x a day with ZERO results

…then this is the right program for you!

Transform Your Business from stressful to soulful

Welcome to Intuitive Business Academy (IBA), a transformative 90-day group course designed to help you create a life and business you love with ease and flow. This isn't just a course; it's a journey into the heart of your true potential, combining the powerful tools of creative art therapy, energetic healing, intuitive marketing and mindset coaching. Together, these modalities will rewire your being for fulfilling success and limitless abundance.

Your purpose should and can be a thriving enterprise. 

Maybe you’ve tried some things and gotten frustrated..

🙅🏼‍♀️ Social Media Isn’t Working and It’s DRAINING your energy!

🙅🏼‍♀️ Clients are trickling in at a snail’s pace

🙅🏼‍♀️ You’re trying not to focus on money, but heck it would sure be nice to have some at this point!

🙅🏼‍♀️ You’re tired of juggling your purpose “on the side” of your day job, motherhood, etc.

🙅🏼‍♀️ It feels like there is some magic potion missing from your business – (where are the clients?!)

🙅🏼‍♀️ You’re ready to contribute your share of the household income from your soul-aligned business (No more leaning on hubs!)

🙅🏼‍♀️ You are so incredibly ready to POWERFULLY SERVE your soul-aligned clients, if only you could find them! 

…And do you feel like these struggles are holding you back from serving the people you were born to serve, growing your business in a healthy, consistent and nourish way and feeling grounded, in your purpose and joyful each day?

If that sounds like you, then you’re not alone! In fact, I’ve been there too.

You’re getting frustrated with all the games and gimmicks the gurus are slingin’ and yet you won’t give up because it’s not just business. IT’S YOUR CALLING. 

I’ve been there too!  

My journey has been one of both extremes.  I started out with a background in Public Relations + Professional Communications.  When I applied those tactics to my business I got ZILCH!

A few years later I dove head-first into spirituality, manifestation, law of attraction and all the Esther Hicks vibes (you know if you know!) While I felt like a total goddess, I was sitting on my meditation cushion, waiting for the clients to magically march in the front doors of my online business, and guess what – I waited on that cushion a long time before I finally realized I had to put ACTION where my INTENTION was! 

Finally after playing ping-pong with both extremes, I found a balance that worked.  I was able to feel aligned with my purpose while also using my confidence and expertise to powerfully attract new clients who energized me! 

It IS possible to be spiritually-aligned AND profitable, powerful and all-up-in your purpose.

Over the past 6+ years I’ve worked with hundreds of clients to perfect my Sparkling Success Framework® to create feel-good success that is as individual and unique as you are!

It’s possible to build a thriving Business practice
without selling your soul to social media! 

Imagine a Business Where You:

  • Wake up each day with a Clear Vision for how you will serve others: You know exactly who you most love to work with and you have a clear plan for attracting more people like this to your offerings.

  • Feel Abundant, Prosperous and Fulfilled Every Day. Your business easily attracts soul-aligned clients and even your marketing activities feel easeful and fun; like you’re serving from the heart already.

  • Connect Deeply with Authentic Self: No matter what you are doing you feel a profound connection to your true self and embrace inner peace and calm while you grow your business.

👉🏻Plus, I’ll be sharing my Intuitive Business Principles!

You know business.
You’ve taken the courses and classes, but now it’s time to learn intuitive business.

There’s a major paradigm shift happening globally - in how we serve, how we sell and how we show up and share our services with others.

I’m creating a movement of soul-aligned, spiritual women who create success with ease
by serving, sharing and selling from the heart.
No more ick factor!


The Sparkling Success Framework®

selling nicely for spiritual businesses

Here at The Sparkling Hippie, I believe in soul-aligned success or as I like to call it, “Sparkling Success.” Over the years I have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs find their version of fulfilling success through her Sparkling Success Framework®. 

Each piece of the framework is specificially designed to help you flourish in flow and magnetically attract your soul-aligned clients.

Everything is intentional in our universe, our joyful journey entails knowing ourselves, the souls we were born to serve and how to attract them from a feel-good place for both parties.

If you can do these things well you will master your service based business and create major impact in the world you live in.🔥

We teach the full framework for Sparkling Success inside of Soul Sparkle.


I’m Haley Hoover.

If you’re looking for a coach and mentor who can help you straddle the worlds of both business building with intention AND leaning into the divine mystery of it all; I’m your girl. Here's a little bit more about me...

I'm a true Taurus sun. ♉️ I live for loose leaf tea, 🫖very dark chocolate and a flavorful glass of red wine 🍷at the end of the day. I love wearing outfits as bold as my business philosophies and you can often catch me dancing barefoot to the soulful sounds of the 1960's with a paintbrush in hand. 🎨 My clients tell me my intuitive downloads bring them major clarity in their life and business. 

I believe in a world where...

  • Social Media takes a back seat to genuine connection and presence.

  • Spirituality and values like kindness and respect are honored above "being right". 💖

  • Success is measured by fulfillment and joy. 🫶

  • Kindness applies to how we treat our bodies through our routines, nourishment, self-care and rest. 

  • Stevie Nicks is president 😎

My personal approach to business success is through the lens of fulfillment first: making sure you're aligned with your purpose, your passion and your dharma.  Marketing, selling and attracting those soul-aligned clients comes next. We want people to know you're available to serve them, right?

I've been life and success coaching since 2018. I've worked with some of the biggest coaches in the game and my work has been shared with companies like Google, HP, Pinterest and Microsoft. I've even had the pleasure of speaking alongside Deepak Chopra! 

Over this period of time I've helped hundreds of spiritual entrepreneurs transform their business (AND THEIR LIFE) by offering them clarity in pursuit of their soul's expansion, as well as marketing know-how and SEO simplicity.

Now I’m ready to share that framework with the masses. Are you ready to BE a Sparkling Success yourself?

If you answered yes,
then this 90-Day Intuitive business Academy is for you, babe!

healer and guru for intuitive business



intuitive business academy online

✨Intuitive Business Academy

A coaching program for spiritual entrepreneurs who want to create success in business that feels good and is sustainable.


Here’s how we will elevate your Sparkle…


💆‍♀️Live Business Mindset Coaching

  • Rewire your thoughts for success

  • Overcome limiting beliefs

  • Cultivate a mindset of abundance and possibility

  • Align your energy with your business so you can attract easeful, purposeful success.

🎨Intuitive Art Practices and Somatic Healing to Rewire Your Brain for Success

  • Tap into and reformat your subconscious mind

  • Express your true emotions and desires without feeling icky or fearful

  • Discover intuitive insights through creativity

  • Develop your intuition

🫶Intuitive Marketing Methods to grow your business

  • Learn how to use slow, calm, intuitive methods for marketing your business.

  • Use the marketing methods I teach my 1x1 clients (Hint: It’s NOT Instagram!)

  • Learn how to be a magnet, attracting your ideal client rather than chasing her.

💫Sacred Spiritual Entrepreneur Community for Deep Connection

  • Work alongside other spiritual business owners who are in the same boat as you

  • Make lifelong friends and connections to share your business journey with

  • Learn from Listening to the questions and obstacles of other business women who are also growing their wellness business.

seo for wellness business easy

Successful wellness businesses begin with aligned energy.

Business is a journey, not a destination. I believe your business called to you as a way to expand into your own best self in your own highest purpose. With this in mind, we start building the foundation of your business here, then work toward marketing and sales. When we do this in reverse order we set ourselves up for misalignment, unfulfillment and doubt.

If you have a healthy diet, consistent exercise and a healthy emotional outlet, you’ll likely create overall wellness for your body, mind and spirit.

Similarly, when we align our lifestyle routines, inner beliefs and authentic purpose with our business FIRST, we will likely create an ecosystem of feel-good success for the long term.


90-Days of Intuitive Business Curriculum.

I intentionally only allow 12 participants in each co-hort so you’ll feel safe, supported and seen throughout the entire journey.

This is for you if…

✔️You’re the owner of a wellness business (coaching, esthetician, yoga, Ayurveda, acupuncture, etc.)

✔️You are an AMBITIOUS, spiritual entrepreneur and you’re ready for more.

✔️You’ve been certified, you’ve got the basics down but you’re tired of playing around.  It’s time to get serious about attracting soul-aligned clients and prosperity that you know you deserve. 

✔️You’re spiritually awakening and you’re ready to ground that energy into a business that allows you to feel powerful, profitable and purpose-filled. 

Curriculum Overview:

What you’ll walk away with:

Module 1

Clarify Your Dream and Define Your Version of Success

I dont believe in using numbers as end-all goals in business. You're a soul with deeper desires than just a bottom line figure. In this module we figure out what those desires are so we can intentionally walk toward them.

Module 2

Understand Your ICA with More Clarity than Ever

In today’s marketing world you need more than A/S/L to define your ideal client (AOL chat, anyone 😂). We’re going to get into all the feels and energy around who your best fit customer or client is.

Module 3

Define your best possible keywords for simply sparkling SEO

simple seo for spiritual business

SEO is way more simple than you realize. We will break it down in very simple terms so that you can define your best keywords and phrases with sparkle and pizazz!

Module 4

Create an Intuitive Marketing Plan that Attracts Abundance

With intention and intuition you can clearly create a feminine-flow marketing plan that attracts your client with ease. No more chasing - you’re a queen! 👑

*Limited availability, only 12 women will be able to enter at this date and price.

…annnddd I’m also throwing in some actual WELLNESS for you, as the wellness business owner

We will have Wellness Days to integrate these teachings into your body with intuitive art and somatic practices.

Many of my most requested workshops are going to be included inside of these Wellness Days, just for you! These workshops have been shared with multiple Fortune 500 companies and rated 5-star experiences in and of themselves.

Everything you need to grow soul-aligned success in business..


Haley has coached entrepreneurs from around the globe for 6+ years. She’s here to support your soul’s journey in business.


With a degree and life-long education and experience in Public Relations and Online Marketing, Haley is here to share her unique approach with you.


Community is key to feel-good success. Business is about connections and you're bound to make some inside this group experience. 😉


Create a feel-good relationship with business bookkeeping, money energetics and abundance practices.

❇️ Get alignment and clarity. ✅ Then take intentional action!

Grab a sneak peak of the type of trainings we will do! 👇


Intuitive Business Academy will help you
create soul-aligned success for your business. 💫

✨Attract soul-aligned clients (SAC) with ease and flow.

✨Feel fulfilled and joyful each and everyday inside your business.

✨Understand your Soul Aligned Client with incredible clarity and simplicity.

✨Have a clear magnetic marketing strategy that doesn’t require posting 27 times a month or being on social media at all!

✨Understand how to easily use and implement SEO as a passive and feminine marketing method.

Of course, I want you to hit big revenue months, book out with clients and buy yourself a hot pink yacht…BUT ALSO I want you to find this level of success in a way that aligns with your soul’s purpose, serves the greater good of the world and feels good to you day in and day out.

Tried other online coaching programs before and got burned? 😟 Me too.

Here’s 4 Reasons Why IBA is going to
help you achieve long-lasting results:

intuitive business school

You’ll stick to the program because it’s actually FUN and doesn’t feel ICKY.


You won’t feel lost because you’ll have live coaching support along the way.

marketing for estheticians
marketing with your intuition

You won’t feel alone because you’ll be inside a community of other spiritual business babes too!


You won’t create success by using sleazy sales tactics. You’ll figure out how to do business in a way that feels good to your empathic soul.

spiritual marketing practices

Results from other Spiritual Business Owners


Melissa Brunetti, SMGI Coach

“I have worked with Haley as a business coach for about 6 months now. I had no idea what I was supposed to do first to start my Somatic Mindful Guided Imagery business so I needed help. I felt I was working hard but definitely not smart! Haley was great at giving me direction with checklists which works great for me and kept me on track. SEO, marketing, sales strategies are all things she has coached me on and all have been so helpful. I've been learning so much and am really feeling great about the trajectory of my business.”


Join now for best results! 🌹Class begins Jan 7, 2025 ✨

Join now for best results! 🌹Class begins Jan 7, 2025 ✨

business for empaths


It’s time to slow down and connect more deeply to your true self as a business owner.

Are you ready to sparkle and shine? Join Intuitive Business Academy and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. This is your time to step into your power, embrace your true potential, and create a business filled with ease, flow, and abundance.

Two easy options for joining:


✨Shimmering Success

✅ Coaching Sessions designed to help you create aligned success.

✅ Join a top-notch spiritual community of entrepreneurs.

✅ Weekly homework assignments and practical steps to creating an aligned business.

✅Bonus before November 1: Access to private training with Haley and other VIP members.


or 3 monthly payments of $1000

✨VIP Full Sparkle Mode

Everything listed to the left, PLUS…

✅ 6 individual 1-hour coaching sessions with Haley where you get to ask ALLLL your specific questions and get her eyes and expertise on your webpage, profiles, etc.

💫These sessions are usually a mix of heart-storming, energetic healing, channeled visions and messages from Source and personalized business guidance.


or 3 monthly payments of $1667
Limit to first 6 applicants.


Enroll Now and Start Your Transformation!

Sign up today and begin your journey towards a life you truly love.
Let's sparkle together!

Class begins Jan 2025.

How I’ve helped other spiritualpreneurs thrive!

best coach for spiritual business owners
best business coach for spiritual women

Jessica F., Esthetician + Business Owner

“Since working with Haley, I have shifted. It's a mindset shift. Taking a leap of faith in my business and evolving or pivoting when and where I need to in order to grow the business.”

female spiritual leader for business ladies

How We’re Different from Other Business Coaching Programs…

Unlike other business coaching programs, Soul Sparkle values alignment, authenticity and purpose FIRST. Without soul-alignment in place, all the marketing in the world won’t do a damn thing.

That’s right - you may have tried courses and classes that promised you 6 figures in 6 weeks or 6000 customers in 6 days, but I’m not going to promise you that because that’s not the point of your journey.

Business is a spiritual journey, first and foremost. I believe that is what matters most. When you start seeing your business as a way to expand your soul AND help other souls on this planet expand, then everything (including your marketing and client attraction) will shift into place in a beautiful, natural, organic way.



💖Our Brand Values

(AKA My Intuitive Business Principles)

1.      Let it be easy.

It can be as fun and easy or as hard and frustrating as you make it.

2.     Stay in the now.

There’s no going backward; only forward. As best as you can, focus on the present moment in front of you.

3.      Go with the Flow

Don’t get too attached to people, places or things – they always change. This is very true in business. You’ll save yourself a lot of pain and heartache by learning to go with the flow and let the chaos run off your back.

4.   Trust Everything 

Everything happens for a reason…even if you think it’s ugly or a mistake.

5.    Failure doesn’t exist.

I don’t believe in failure.  It’s a fallacy.  The only really failure you can experience is in your mind.  The only true outcomes are  experimentation and growth. 

6.    Take aligned risks.

Practice being brave and courageous even when you have no idea where you’re going or what the end result will look like.

7.     Everything is energy.

Everything is energy.  This is spirituality. This is science.  It’s both.  Your thoughts are energy. Your actions are energy. Your interactions are energy. 

8.   PROCESS, over Product.

We can’t start life or business with the end destination in mind.  We must trust day by day, step by step that we are right where we need to be. 

9.   Follow your Excitement

Intuition lives within the body.  Excitement is a very high vibration that indicates you are on the right path.

10. Feel Your Way Forward

Your body is insanely intelligent. Your soul lives within your body.  Take time to tune in to those deeper places within yourself daily. 


💫Are you ready for Intuitive Business Academy?

  • All of the content and live calls from this container will be recorded. Members will receive full access to all recordings.

  • My rule of thumb is, if you’ve got enough ambition, you’ll be perfectly fine. In my first six months of business I joined a millionaire masterclass simply because I believed I could despite my brand new, barely made a dollar business. The saying goes, whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.

  • Absolutely. Let me tell you sister, I’ve probably invested more in business courses and classes than anyone I know and I still haven’t found anything close to this being taught out there. We’re going to get you set up for success while also working from your inner voice. This is an unstoppable approach that most successful entrepreneurs use, but don’t often teach. My guides have said this is how Beyonce does it.

  • Yes, you can pay $3000 in full or 3 simple payments of $1000 per month.

    The VIP option is $5000 paid in full or 3 simple monthly payments of $1667.

  • I'm a Taurus sun (dark chocolate and good wine are lifestyle STAPLES for me!) I am an Aries moon (hello adventure and spice) and I am a Gemini Rising (hence all the lifelong learning I do.) 😎

  • Unfortunately I can't do that. When you sign up I begin sending gifts in the mail to you and our sacred community begins to form. You won't need a refund, I'm sure of it. Your biggest hurdle is your own mind, my dear.

  • We will meet for 90 minutes every other week for 90 days. You'll have some journaling or art prompts to do in between sessions, but overall you shouldn't need more than one hour per week to get everything done - and that includes play time too! This is meant to feel light and easy and fun!!

  • I like to say I'm a hippie born in the wrong generation. I'm a 90's baby - to be clear - but my soul sings for the 60's and 70's of San Fransisco bay. I looovee music and fashion from that era and try to infuse it in my brand, because...why not! ✌️ I've also backpacked all over the world and lived out of a van a few times, so you decide. Am I hippie?

  • -We use Teachery to house all of our recorded calls, workbooks, etc. You'll get a free account when you join and it's super easy to use!

    -Group calls are on Zoom.

    -Private community is hosted on Facebook.

  • No. We provide everything you need for the experience. However, you may want to scrounge around for some art supplies to bring to the Well Days. :)


Shoot me an email:

or book a call to chat with me directly.