What aligned action do you need to take toward your calling?

How to magnetize yourself to what you feel called to do..

intuitive business owner

I've recently been doing some deep manifestation work around calling in The Amazing corporate clients that I most want to work with. inside of the Sacred manifestation container that I subscribe to I have learned something very interesting new paragraph there is a lot of deep work: the healing, the neural reprogramming, the reinforcing, and changing your thought patterns 

But seemingly most important is the “put your faith where your fear is” step – the part where you take aligned action toward what you want.  

I like to think of Aligned action as being split into two different categories.

  1. The micro-steps. These are the small actions you can take in the day to day toward creating and attracting what it is that you most desire.  For example, I am going to do a photoshoot with my favorite brand of handbags soon because I got an intuitive hit to do so. This helps me connect with the brand more, which aligns me closer to their energy and how I can powerfully serve them.

  2. The big daddy steps.  These are the major actions that require us to step through our fear and into something more expansive and authentic (for our own benefit). An example of this would be me picking up the phone and calling this brand, asking where I can send a pitch letter to pitch my wellness services to their team.  (Yikes! That’s big and scary and effort-full.)  And yet that’s the step that’s going to create big magnetizing waves.

When building our dream lives and dream businesses we need both micro steps and big daddy scary steps to make things happen.

I used to think that because I believed in myself so much, and had a DIY, can-do attitude, that I would easily succeed.

But it turns out it takes hard work.

Big scary action.

Aligned action.

Intuitive nudges.

And asking for help.

The further along I get on my business journey (moving into year 6 soon) the more I realize how important it is to take those steps – big and small – and to ask for help in taking those steps too.  

All coaches need coaches.

The best and most brilliant business owners out there have mentors, coaches and teachers.

Don’t stop learning.

Ask for help.

Get in the energy of people who have what you want.

Get in the essence of people who are doing what you want to do.

Ask for advice from those who know how to make it happen.

As your coach,

I’m here to hold that space for you.

..to show you the hidden dreams of your soul

To share those intuitive magical tiny (and big daddy) steps that will glide you closer to the calling that you have received.

I’m ready to work with a woman who is 200% committed to her own success

  • Willing to show up and do the work

  • Humble enough to ASK for that delicious help

  • And most importantly, ready to step into her goals and become that inspiration for others.

    Is that you?

#womanowned #womanled #smallbusiness #intuitivecoach #intuitivebusiness #lawofattraction #manifestation #businessadvice #smallbusinesstips #onlienbusinesstips #onlinebusinesscoach #spiritualbusiness 

Haley HooverComment