The Authenticity Ailments

Which one are you?


The Rejection Infection

You are a “yes-woman”. You’re naturally agreeable and easy for others to be around. Unfortunately this can sometimes lead you to feelings of insecurity, and feeling burdened.

Your best opportunity for harnessing more authentic fulfillment is to practice tuning into your own thoughts, feelings and emotions. This can help you own your personal power and strength.

The Comparisonitis Constipation

You are well put together, always on point and aware of those around you.  Unfortunately this can sometimes lead you to feelings of inadequacy, which may also cause you to stop projects before you ever begin.

Your best opportunity for harnessing more authentic fulfillment is to focus your attention inward.  Get to know your true-self and let that truth be your guide. When you release your obsession with what others are doing, you may find you’re further along than you realize.

The Perfectionist Flu

You are dedicated, committed to excellence and determined to succeed in anything you put your mind to.  Unfortunately this can sometimes lead you to risk-aversion choices and impossible expectations for yourself. 

Your best opportunity for harnessing more authentic fulfillment is to step back and look at the realistic, big picture that you are living. You’ll notice you’re further along than you realize, and the opportunities in front of you are life-giving.

The Overthinking Ulcer

You are always prepared. Others probably rely on you in unexpected situations, because you are always three steps ahead. Unfortunately this can sometimes lead you to feelings of anxiety, hopelessness and indecision.

Your best opportunity for harnessing more authentic fulfillment is to get out of your mind and into your body. Practice using your biggest trust muscle- your intuition.